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Superman just became my new favorite superhero 24.04.2014 
Obrázek Superman just became my new favorite superhero
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Superman_just_became_my_new_favorite_superhero.jpg (JethroRP (25.4.2014 9:20)
oTvor: kazíš to!

Superman_just_became_my_new_favorite_superhero.jpg (RowderRP (24.4.2014 21:51)
super stránky, díky Caka Ungo :D

Superman_just_became_my_new_favorite_superhero.jpg (jimoRP (24.4.2014 19:01)
No kua... oni maj i "prdelovou" verzi fleshlight... tvl :-O

Superman_just_became_my_new_favorite_superhero.jpg (oTvor) (24.4.2014 14:45)
Grázlové, taky jste mohli napsat, ze jdo o nejakej gay web...

Superman_just_became_my_new_favorite_superhero.jpg (StínRP (24.4.2014 10:10)
alpha as fuck :D

Superman_just_became_my_new_favorite_superhero.jpg (JethroRP (24.4.2014 10:03)
Oh, ano. Já jsem již také seznámem s touto komixovou postavou :)

Superman_just_became_my_new_favorite_superhero.jpg (eseRP (24.4.2014 9:35)
Ještě někdo, kdo to napsal do googlu? Pochlubte se.

Superman_just_became_my_new_favorite_superhero.jpg (LemonFRRP (24.4.2014 8:55)
Ja tiež :-D :-D :-D

Superman_just_became_my_new_favorite_superhero.jpg (Colombo (nekdo mi zaregistroval nick??)) (24.4.2014 8:41)
Lois often tumbled into comedic scrapes in the series. Issue #79's cover is only slightly less bizarre than its story. Lois finds herself zapped into another dimension, where she ends up engaged to the dimension's Superman analogue, Titanman. The cover shows a desperate Lois at the altar pleading with Superman to help her after she's learned Titanman's "terrible secret" (he's a polygamist). Superman glibly tells her, "Serves you right for choosing him over me." Fittingly, the subs

Superman_just_became_my_new_favorite_superhero.jpg (cern0usekRP (24.4.2014 8:12)

Superman_just_became_my_new_favorite_superhero.jpg (Abdul_HasanRP (24.4.2014 7:43)
KURVA!!!! >-O

Superman_just_became_my_new_favorite_superhero.jpg (qwert01RP (24.4.2014 7:39)
jaa takyyy :-O :-O :-O :-O

Superman_just_became_my_new_favorite_superhero.jpg (Čaka Unga) (24.4.2014 7:25)
napsal jsem Titanman do Googlu :-O

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