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It took me an insanely long time to realize that these were in fact not tiny brontosauruses 09.10.2014 
Obrázek It took me an insanely long time to realize that these were in fact not tiny brontosauruses
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It_took_me_an_insanely_long_time_to_realize_that_these_were_in_fact_not_tiny_brontosauruses.jpg (TexRP (9.10.2014 20:28)
to ste potom riadni retardi

It_took_me_an_insanely_long_time_to_realize_that_these_were_in_fact_not_tiny_brontosauruses.jpg (Lopuch0) (9.10.2014 20:14)
top koment z redditu jako titulek, to už je moc

It_took_me_an_insanely_long_time_to_realize_that_these_were_in_fact_not_tiny_brontosauruses.jpg (EllynnRP (9.10.2014 19:32)
A mimochodem byli by to Brachiosauři, #GetYoFactsStraight #SWAG #YOLO

It_took_me_an_insanely_long_time_to_realize_that_these_were_in_fact_not_tiny_brontosauruses.jpg (Spock12) (9.10.2014 15:03)
A víš, že to nikoho nezajímá?

It_took_me_an_insanely_long_time_to_realize_that_these_were_in_fact_not_tiny_brontosauruses.jpg (StínRP (9.10.2014 12:45)
Brontosaurus? A ví autor, že nic jako "brontosaurus" nikdy neexistovalo?

It_took_me_an_insanely_long_time_to_realize_that_these_were_in_fact_not_tiny_brontosauruses.jpg (Lilian) (9.10.2014 12:28)
No, nebyť názvu, tak su to brontosaury :)

It_took_me_an_insanely_long_time_to_realize_that_these_were_in_fact_not_tiny_brontosauruses.jpg (Fanda) (9.10.2014 9:02)
Nosál červený, cpt. out

It_took_me_an_insanely_long_time_to_realize_that_these_were_in_fact_not_tiny_brontosauruses.jpg (eRw!n_wRkk) (9.10.2014 8:50)
nazev obrazku :+++ :-D :-D

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