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Promise me putin 30.09.2015 
Obrázek Promise me putin
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Promise_me_putin.jpg (FilipesRP (9.8.2022 0:11)
(lux): Dnes ti k tomu, jak špičková je Ruská PVO řeknu toto - :-D

Promise_me_putin.jpg (Peter .RP (25.4.2022 22:19)
Nechýbajú im?

Promise_me_putin.jpg (Dr.Str.RP (30.9.2015 23:08)
Víra luxi, ta tě ochrání.

Promise_me_putin.jpg (lux) (30.9.2015 22:05)
Ruská PVO je špičková Izraelské rušiče tiež...

Promise_me_putin.jpg (Sandokan) (30.9.2015 17:44)
Což to sedí dobře protože Israel bez vzdušných sil je mrtvý Israel, a Židi to moc dobře vědí. Ostatně určitě udržují v blahé paměti vzpomínku na jednu válku, kdy SSSR dodal tajně Arabům nějaké rakety, které jako na potvoru fungovaly opravdu dobře.

Promise_me_putin.jpg (LemonFRRP (30.9.2015 15:16)
Za zdroj nezodpovedám, ale na pohľad to sedí =)

Promise_me_putin.jpg (LemonFRRP (30.9.2015 15:13)
An S-300 missile fired from, say, Damascus will blow away an aircraft over central Tel Aviv in about 107 seconds, giving the Israelis just enough time to say their prayers. It is precisely because the S-series missile systems can so dramatically upset the military balance that Israel has pressured Russia against introducing it into the Middle East tinderbox. Israel has also warned it would go after Syrian S-300 batteries with everything it’s got.

Promise_me_putin.jpg (LemonFRRP (30.9.2015 15:13)
The S-400 was developed to defend Russian air space and a few hundred kilometers further against missiles and aircraft of all types, including stealth. Because it is a highly potent and accurate weapon that can tip the balance of power in any war theatre, Moscow has long resisted the temptation of exporting even its older iteration, the S-300, to troubled allies Syria and Iran.

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