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You Cant Live Without a BRAIN 26.02.2018 
Obrázek You Cant Live Without a BRAIN
MluvisZCestyCype lepsi to nebude    PoopBreaks ceske eurobankovky uz se tisknou 101 woke dalmatincu JakToZacalo
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You_Cant_Live_Without_a_BRAIN.jpg (Solo_KamenRP (26.2.2018 23:16)
liberal=socialist libertarian=liberal Cpt. out.

You_Cant_Live_Without_a_BRAIN.jpg (CptNotSoFcknObvRP (26.2.2018 22:43)
V anglickejch vtipech si slovo "liberal" zaměňte za "socialist" a dávaj smysl. Cpt. out.

You_Cant_Live_Without_a_BRAIN.jpg (YetyRP (26.2.2018 15:25)
Liberals espouse a wide array of views depending on their understanding of these principles, but generally they support ideas and programmes such as freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of religion, free markets, civil rights, democratic societies, secular governments, gender equality and international cooperation.

You_Cant_Live_Without_a_BRAIN.jpg (zorbix) (26.2.2018 12:48)
vem trapnej vtip, dej tam slovo liberal a roumong se může uplusovat 8-) :-/

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