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4hrs of Meteors over Mt Lassen from Lake Helen 15.08.2020 
Obrázek 4hrs of Meteors over Mt Lassen from Lake Helen
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4hrs_of_Meteors_over_Mt_Lassen_from_Lake_Helen.jpg (miestow) (17.8.2020 9:58)
Meteors over Mt. Lassen from Lake Helen. This is 4 hours of meteors captured in one picture. If you take all the meteors captured during a time lapse and compensate for the rotation of the Earth when combining them, you will see that they all come from the same spot known as the radiant.

4hrs_of_Meteors_over_Mt_Lassen_from_Lake_Helen.jpg (bohynRP (15.8.2020 14:37)
tak evidentne je to kompozice, udrzet hvezdy a horizont jaksi nejde. Zaroven tech meteoritu je tam nejak malo na 4h okno... Fake.

4hrs_of_Meteors_over_Mt_Lassen_from_Lake_Helen.jpg (jgfv) (15.8.2020 12:59)
A těch 500 satelitů co muselo proletět nad hlavou se ztratilo taky? :D

4hrs_of_Meteors_over_Mt_Lassen_from_Lake_Helen.jpg (JadRP (15.8.2020 12:47)
A to se mu za tu dobu nehnuly hvězdy?

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