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Because defending with your feet is too mainstream (22.3.2014 16:20)
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Because defending with your feet is too mainstream

Komentáře (4) Komentovat Nezobrazovat

Because defending with your feet is too mainstream (rybozroutRP (23.3.2014 3:05)
co se do toho vůbec sere

Because defending with your feet is too mainstream (van) (22.3.2014 18:02)
Vzhladom na jeho pohyb uz nemal sancu tu strelu zachytit legalnou castou tela.

Because defending with your feet is too mainstream (Abdul_HasanRP (22.3.2014 16:49)
Resp. nezabrání, abych byl přesný

Because defending with your feet is too mainstream (Abdul_HasanRP (22.3.2014 16:49)
To je ale umění, zabrání rukou gólu, a kartu za to dostane spoluhráč...