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Glass of Water As Seen by Different People 19.05.2015 
Obrázek Glass of Water As Seen by Different People
MluvisZCestyCype lepsi to nebude    PoopBreaks ceske eurobankovky uz se tisknou JakToZacalo 15rek
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Glass_of_Water_As_Seen_by_Different_People.jpg (Kasuha) (20.5.2015 10:10)
This glass is too big.

Glass_of_Water_As_Seen_by_Different_People.jpg (mooRP (20.5.2015 1:37)
IOO: zle na to ides. the glass is raping me by looking at me!

Glass_of_Water_As_Seen_by_Different_People.jpg (lalauu) (19.5.2015 22:43)
chemist: this glass is full

Glass_of_Water_As_Seen_by_Different_People.jpg (IOORP (19.5.2015 17:33)
Spravne malo byt: This glass has drugs, so HE can rape after I drink it.

Glass_of_Water_As_Seen_by_Different_People.jpg (chr) (19.5.2015 16:27)
rapist glass!

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