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HowItaliansShoot 17.03.2017 
Obrázek HowItaliansShoot
101 woke dalmatincu HledejSmudlo Scientific-name--poison Z symbol ma v rusku tradici GrindMyGears TonyAndI
Komentáře (3) Komentovat Nezobrazovat

HowItaliansShoot.jpg (Kit) (17.3.2017 18:39)
What the fuck did you just say about Italian gestures?

HowItaliansShoot.jpg (EllrohirRP (17.3.2017 18:23)
What the fuck are you writing?

HowItaliansShoot.jpg (luckyduckRP (17.3.2017 11:22)
Jak to okomentoval kamos Ital: Just to ruin all your fun. That italian gesture, lately shown in a new meme, means nothing more than "what the fuck are you *verb*". As what the fuck are you saying, what the fuck are you doing, what the fuck are you thinking, what the fuck are you eating, what the fuck are you think about it and realise that the 99.9% of the shared things is less funnier than u guys think, or not funny at all and is just silly :)

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