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Men Vs Women 081211 08.12.2011 
Obrázek Men Vs Women 081211
TiredAndRetired EndOfTheWorldYay JakJsemKZenePrisel ovalna pracovna AlarmExtingusher VidetTatryAZemrit
Komentáře (4) Komentovat Nezobrazovat

Men_Vs_Women_081211.jpg (hajzldeklRP (8.12.2011 21:40)
a co na to olololololo?

Men_Vs_Women_081211.jpg (MilaneseRP (8.12.2011 14:56)
Tru dat.

Men_Vs_Women_081211.jpg (DrSneyRP (8.12.2011 11:07)
derp: Gran Torino? :-/

Men_Vs_Women_081211.jpg (derp) (8.12.2011 7:52)
There. You finally look like a human being again. You shouldn't wait so long between hair cuts, you cheap son of a bitch. Yeah. I'm surprised you're still around. I was always hoping you'd die off and they got someone in here that knew what the hell they were doing. Instead, you're just hanging around like the doo-wop dago you are.

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