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Plumber vs electrician 17.04.2018 
Obrázek Plumber vs electrician
TiredAndRetired EndOfTheWorldYay JakJsemKZenePrisel ovalna pracovna AlarmExtingusher VidetTatryAZemrit
Komentáře (31) Komentovat Nezobrazovat

Plumber_vs_electrician.jpg (janciRP (18.4.2018 6:18)
Aky elektrikar? To vyzera na nejake UTPcko, ITak bude nasrany, ze sa im zase niekto vrta v sieti

Plumber_vs_electrician.jpg (draganRP (17.4.2018 22:57)
Novej rouming je super! [This comment is visible to Roumen® Ultragay™ users only.]

Plumber_vs_electrician.jpg (kundoštel) (17.4.2018 21:44)
koniec sveta - apartheid na raumone

Plumber_vs_electrician.jpg (neznalek) (premiumRP (17.4.2018 21:25)
[Comment only available to Roumen® Premium™ account holders.]

Plumber_vs_electrician.jpg (PaulZyRP (17.4.2018 21:16)

Plumber_vs_electrician.jpg (Cpt.ObliviousRP (17.4.2018 19:40)
[Comment only available to Roumen® straight users.]

Plumber_vs_electrician.jpg (sftmrbulletRP (17.4.2018 18:42)
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Plumber_vs_electrician.jpg (hixaxonRP (17.4.2018 17:22)
adams - You need 10 more upvotes to became a Roumen® Big Fat Cunt™ account holder.

Plumber_vs_electrician.jpg (adamsRP (17.4.2018 17:09)
Paráda, tahle funkce roumingu pro skrývání komentářů od trotlů se mi fakt líbí.

Plumber_vs_electrician.jpg (fapmasterRP (17.4.2018 16:33)
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Plumber_vs_electrician.jpg (orlolo) (17.4.2018 16:18)
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Plumber_vs_electrician.jpg (RoHekquowd1RP (17.4.2018 16:09)
[Comment only available to Roumen® Diamond™ account holders.]

Plumber_vs_electrician.jpg (shellson) (17.4.2018 15:17)
[Comment only available to Roumen® Gold™ dick holders.]

Plumber_vs_electrician.jpg (UncleJim) (17.4.2018 15:05)
[Comment only available to Roumen.]

Plumber_vs_electrician.jpg (maris68RP (17.4.2018 14:49)
Pekná diskusia.


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