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To odpruzi 21.06.2020 
Obrázek To odpruzi
konecne valka konci GrindMyGears Wir schaffen das WannaPlayAGame blba akustika TonyAndI
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To_odpruzi.jpg (1312) (21.6.2020 23:44)
Laika is memorialised in the form of a statue and plaque (created in 1997) at Star City, the Russian Cosmonaut training facility. The Monument to the Conquerors of Space, constructed in 1964, also includes Laika. On 11 April 2008 at the military research facility where staff had been responsible for readying Laika for the flight, officials unveiled a monument of her poised on top of a space rocket. Stamps and envelopes picturing Laika were produced, as well as branded cigarettes and matches.

To_odpruzi.jpg (dano22) (21.6.2020 21:57)

To_odpruzi.jpg (MSGRP (21.6.2020 21:25)
Zaujímavé je, že amíci vrámci výskumu poslali balónom do vesmíru a následne bez padáku s5 veľa zvieratiek, ale niekto sa opúšťa z upečenej Lajky

To_odpruzi.jpg (Eriček Cartman) (21.6.2020 19:17)
Na jim to měli zkusit, když tam neměli černoši ani úředníky z europarlamentu?

To_odpruzi.jpg (hmm hmm) (21.6.2020 19:00)
собак много

To_odpruzi.jpg (Avenger69) (21.6.2020 17:23)
The noises and pressures of flight terrified Laika: Her heartbeat rocketed to triple the normal rate, and her breath rate quadrupled. The NASM holds declassified printouts showing Laika’s respiration during the flight. She reached orbit alive, circling the Earth in about 103 minutes. Unfortunately, loss of the heat shield made the temperature in the capsule rise unexpectedly, taking its toll on Laika. (

To_odpruzi.jpg (1312) (21.6.2020 17:12)
Never mind, you can always ridicule, mock and deride Soviet/Russian space program, ignoring its notable achievements.

To_odpruzi.jpg (1312) (21.6.2020 17:03)
A notable exception is Laika, the first dog to be sent into orbit, whose death during the 3 November, 1957 Sputnik 2 mission was expected from its outset.

To_odpruzi.jpg (1312) (21.6.2020 17:01)
During the 1950s and 1960s the Soviet space program used dogs for sub-orbital and orbital space flights to determine whether human spaceflight was feasible. In this period, the Soviet Union launched missions with passenger slots for at least 57 dogs. The number of dogs in space is smaller, as some dogs flew more than once. Most survived; the few that died were lost mostly through technical failures, according to the parameters of the test.

To_odpruzi.jpg (Nasranej vopičákRP (21.6.2020 13:44)
Ten drobný detail nám souška učitelka zatajila B-)

To_odpruzi.jpg (jekadluh) (21.6.2020 10:25)
Lajka se sice nevrátila, ale zjistilo se, že bez gravitace žijí psi ve vesmíru neznámo jak dlouho, tak nosila míčky po MIRu a teď v ISS běhá taky.

To_odpruzi.jpg (AbeRP (21.6.2020 9:43)
Uploader; Tomu rikam drzet prst na tepu doby. :-D

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