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US and UK Language Differences 04.07.2017 
Obrázek US and UK Language Differences
TiredAndRetired EndOfTheWorldYay JakJsemKZenePrisel ovalna pracovna AlarmExtingusher VidetTatryAZemrit
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US_and_UK_Language_Differences.jpg (Peter .RP (5.7.2017 16:35)
Hard Drive == Long Trip.

US_and_UK_Language_Differences.jpg (Orchestrion) (5.7.2017 10:18)
Excuse me, the English word for "jail" is not "Australia", it's "America". Unfortunately, America seems to be full at the moment.

US_and_UK_Language_Differences.jpg (lol2) (5.7.2017 9:02)
Boot = Trunk Bonnet = Hood Wing = Fender

US_and_UK_Language_Differences.jpg (SheitanRP (4.7.2017 23:43)
cunt = twat

US_and_UK_Language_Differences.jpg (Abdul_HasanRP (4.7.2017 19:31)
shooting range = school

US_and_UK_Language_Differences.jpg (BóďaRP (4.7.2017 14:44)
Color - Colour

US_and_UK_Language_Differences.jpg (EnterTheNameHereRP (4.7.2017 13:19)

US_and_UK_Language_Differences.jpg (.:Gembler:.RP (4.7.2017 11:34)
Alumium = Aluminium

US_and_UK_Language_Differences.jpg (EnterTheNameHereRP (4.7.2017 11:02)
TotalCookie, The Sarcastic Murica'n

US_and_UK_Language_Differences.jpg (zmrd.) (4.7.2017 9:29)
redneck = american

US_and_UK_Language_Differences.jpg (racist cop) (4.7.2017 9:22)
refugee - rocket scientist

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