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ba-dum-tsss 03.08.2013 
Obrázek ba-dum-tsss
TiredAndRetired EndOfTheWorldYay JakJsemKZenePrisel ovalna pracovna AlarmExtingusher VidetTatryAZemrit
Komentáře (4) Komentovat Nezobrazovat

ba-dum-tsss.jpg (Dr.Str.RP (22.5.2022 16:35)
bartender je něžnič tyčí?

ba-dum-tsss.jpg (jimoRP (5.8.2013 12:24)

ba-dum-tsss.jpg (anifanRP (3.8.2013 20:27)
...and he asks the bartender, "Do you have any helicopter flavored potato chips?" The bartender shakes his head and says, "No, we only have plain."

ba-dum-tsss.jpg (YodaRP (3.8.2013 12:33)
and the model said to him: watch out, we´ve got a badass over here ;-)

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