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gaming      true 19.06.2014 
Obrázek gaming      true
hop-hop-hop 2FA IRL kral mech byvale dite Vystava Helena tricetilety Roumenista si nasel sdilene bydleni
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gaming______true.jpg (Tuco) (19.6.2014 23:40)
tlustý prase: jako vždy, originální text vyhrává :-)

gaming______true.jpg (tlustý prase) (19.6.2014 23:11)
Remember when you hit that pedestrian with your car at the crosswalk and then just drove away? Pepperidge Farm remembers, but Pepperidge Farm ain't just gonna keep it to Pepperidge Farm's self free of charge. Maybe you go out and buy yourself some of these distinctive Milano cookies, maybe this whole thing disappears.