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mexican 27t 18.01.2012 
Obrázek mexican 27t
To je proste Konecna opozice z principu instrukce nejasne samoodber min budes mluvit hajzle vistupat z eu
Komentáře (2) Komentovat Nezobrazovat

mexican_27t.gif (shmirgelRP (19.1.2012 9:27)
A guy walks into a gun shop to buy a gun. " Can I help you sir?, asked the shopkeeper". Ah, yes... I want to buy a 44 Magnum please. The shopkeeper informs the man that the 44 is a very powerful gun, and asks the customer what kind of cans he want to shoot. He replies: "You know, AmeriCans, MexiCans, AfriCans..."

mexican_27t.gif (road runnerRP (18.1.2012 23:53)
maxicunt? :-P

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