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my how life changes 540 18.03.2015 
Obrázek my how life changes 540
lepsi to nebude    MluvisZCestyCype PoopBreaks 15rek DiagnozaRoumenisty EscapingToxicWorkCulture
Komentáře (4) Komentovat Nezobrazovat

my_how_life_changes_540.jpg (maarthyRP (19.3.2015 22:33)
And then you realize you're about to turn 28 and you're left with two weeks of your contract to find a new job before you become dependent on your family once again 'cause no one has replied to your resumes yet. How's that for a figured out future?

my_how_life_changes_540.jpg (maarthyRP (19.3.2015 22:32)
And then you realize you're about to turn 28 and you're left with two weeks of your contract to find a new job before you become dependent on your family once again 'cause no one has replied to your resumes yet. How's that for a figured out future?

my_how_life_changes_540.jpg (Jan Gutbayer) (19.3.2015 14:59)
35: Banzaaaaaaaiiii!

my_how_life_changes_540.jpg (keket_nereg) (18.3.2015 16:27)
a bude hur :( B-)

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