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the right answer to the wrong question  14.01.2016 
Obrázek the right answer to the wrong question 
Zebrik MethaneProduction wankpanzer spagety1718 socialny demokrat HezkyMeVyfot
Komentáře (3) Komentovat Nezobrazovat

the_right_answer_to_the_wrong_question_.jpg (Th E) (14.1.2016 18:46)
I protest! You're unfair, classifying like (fill in your own)...... 8-) B-)

the_right_answer_to_the_wrong_question_.jpg (mrdam do ucha) (14.1.2016 16:20)
A je spravne

the_right_answer_to_the_wrong_question_.jpg (Pan_EgonRP (14.1.2016 12:40)

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