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Nalezeno 8 komentářů.

:-) :o)
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;-) :-D
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8-) :-*
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=) :-O


Video 'Britain's Got Talent:  Michael Collings - Britain's Got Talent 2011' Video 'Britain's Got Talent: Michael Collings - Britain's Got Talent 2011' (cern0usekRP (28.5.2011 23:03) reagovat
Je to fajn, ale spis se jedna o hezkou pisnicku, nez o nejakej extra peveckej vykon. Ale barvu hlasu ma zajimavou, to jo...

Video 'Britain's Got Talent:  Michael Collings - Britain's Got Talent 2011' Video 'Britain's Got Talent: Michael Collings - Britain's Got Talent 2011' (BadblockRP (25.5.2011 16:22) reagovat
kua a jak po anglicky vie ! ziadny yellow taxi a the end, normalne spiikuje :)

Video 'Britain's Got Talent:  Michael Collings - Britain's Got Talent 2011' Video 'Britain's Got Talent: Michael Collings - Britain's Got Talent 2011' (BobsikRP (24.5.2011 19:31) reagovat
byt tam vic takovyhle, tak bych se na to treba i dival ... sice to neni muj salek piva, ale tohle se da povazovat za talent ...

Video 'Britain's Got Talent:  Michael Collings - Britain's Got Talent 2011' Video 'Britain's Got Talent: Michael Collings - Britain's Got Talent 2011' (jimoRP (24.5.2011 14:02) reagovat
no a ono k tomu jeste muze pribyt to, ze kazdej druhej Anglan zpiva jak Sinatra... neveril jsem tomu, ale zkuste se mrknout do nejakeho karaoke baru v UK... zpivaj fakt pekne

Video 'Britain's Got Talent:  Michael Collings - Britain's Got Talent 2011' Video 'Britain's Got Talent: Michael Collings - Britain's Got Talent 2011' (HovnojetipotomRP (24.5.2011 12:31) reagovat
to je hlavne tim ze tam se lidi dokazi chovat prirozene ... to u nas vypni televizi a internet a pulka lidi (mladsi rocniky hlavne) nevi co si oblect, co poslouchat za muziku a ani jak se chovat ... televize a reklamy z nas udelaly stado ovci co dela to co jim reknes ze je spravne

Video 'Britain's Got Talent:  Michael Collings - Britain's Got Talent 2011' Video 'Britain's Got Talent: Michael Collings - Britain's Got Talent 2011' (TosposralsRP (24.5.2011 10:02) reagovat
To bude tim ze tam maj talenty xD

Video 'Britain's Got Talent:  Michael Collings - Britain's Got Talent 2011' Video 'Britain's Got Talent: Michael Collings - Britain's Got Talent 2011' (Daver) (24.5.2011 0:07) reagovat
proč tam maj Britové tak silné momenty a u nás to byla taková sračka s uměle nastavovanými momenty ? :-/

Video 'Britain's Got Talent:  Michael Collings - Britain's Got Talent 2011' Video 'Britain's Got Talent: Michael Collings - Britain's Got Talent 2011' (PiccoloRP (23.5.2011 19:48) reagovat
to je talent... :)

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