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Nalezeno 7 komentářů.

:-) :o)
:-( >-O
;-) :-D
:-P B-)
8-) :-*
:-/ |-)
=) :-O


Video 'The Yo-Yo trick with cloth' Video 'The Yo-Yo trick with cloth' (nbsRP (20.4.2012 21:24) reagovat
čudné kozy

Video 'The Yo-Yo trick with cloth' Video 'The Yo-Yo trick with cloth' (Brian3504RP (20.4.2012 21:22) reagovat
(-(-(- -)-)-)

Video 'The Yo-Yo trick with cloth' Video 'The Yo-Yo trick with cloth' (vecernik (linej se prihlasit)) (20.4.2012 21:22) reagovat
nepis level asian. spatne to dopadne.

Video 'The Yo-Yo trick with cloth' Video 'The Yo-Yo trick with cloth' (aldo) (20.4.2012 21:21) reagovat
level asian B-)

Video 'The Yo-Yo trick with cloth' Video 'The Yo-Yo trick with cloth' (tereiRP (20.4.2012 21:17) reagovat
co by se stalo, kdyby někdo napsal level asian?

Video 'The Yo-Yo trick with cloth' Video 'The Yo-Yo trick with cloth' (ilfirinRP (20.4.2012 20:37) reagovat
To je dobře že jsi nenapsal level asian.

Video 'The Yo-Yo trick with cloth' Video 'The Yo-Yo trick with cloth' (SetiathRP (20.4.2012 20:15) reagovat
Napsal by level asian, ale nebudu psát level asian