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Nalezeno 7 komentářů.

:-) :o)
:-( >-O
;-) :-D
:-P B-)
8-) :-*
:-/ |-)
=) :-O


Obrázek 'curiosity' Obrázek 'curiosity' (pc2005) (2.10.2013 20:20) reagovat
th0ca: Nebo s ropou :-D.

Obrázek 'curiosity' Obrázek 'curiosity' (ravRP (2.10.2013 17:49) reagovat
Yoda: Myslis pri uteku z USA?

Obrázek 'curiosity' Obrázek 'curiosity' (YodaRP (2.10.2013 13:57) reagovat
Elektrický plot nefunguje, milión hispáncov prekonalo južnú hranicu ;-)

Obrázek 'curiosity' Obrázek 'curiosity' (WolfRP (2.10.2013 11:55) reagovat
"The shuttering of the federal government has resulted in NASA shutting down almost completely — but for the time being at least, the Mars Curiosity rover won't be affected. A spokesperson for the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, which operates both Curiosity and the older Spirit rover, has clarified to International Business Times that JPL is a private contractor owned by the California Institute of Technology. As such, its personnel aren't among the 17,701 NASA employees that were furloughed..."

Obrázek 'curiosity' Obrázek 'curiosity' (WolfRP (2.10.2013 11:54) reagovat
As President Obama put it in an emergency address last night, "NASA will shut down almost entirely, but Mission Control will remain open to support the astronauts serving on the Space Station."

Obrázek 'curiosity' Obrázek 'curiosity' (skylajnerRP (2.10.2013 11:47) reagovat
shutdown neznamená houston, stejně jako nemocnice, policii atp. ...bohužel to pak postrádá pointu

Obrázek 'curiosity' Obrázek 'curiosity' (th0caRP (2.10.2013 11:20) reagovat
s mimozemskym zivotem by to bylo vtipny... tohle je shit

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