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Nalezeno 12 komentářů.

:-) :o)
:-( >-O
;-) :-D
:-P B-)
8-) :-*
:-/ |-)
=) :-O


Video 'Superman With a GoPro' Video 'Superman With a GoPro' (BobsikRP (25.3.2014 18:21) reagovat
1. uz me docela sere, ze cpou tu radobyhudbu všude... 2. ta ho chtěla blafnout a on odletí :D blbec

Video 'Superman With a GoPro' Video 'Superman With a GoPro' (MilaneseRP (25.3.2014 18:10) reagovat
Viral na Budget? A proc ten pan s tou kamerou furt hajluje? Neni to trestne?

Video 'Superman With a GoPro' Video 'Superman With a GoPro' (WolfRP (24.3.2014 9:56) reagovat
Dost mi to připomíná moje lítací sny :)

Video 'Superman With a GoPro' Video 'Superman With a GoPro' (PiterkoRP (23.3.2014 12:20) reagovat
topolus, to je v poho, ja sa vyznám v "The city of lost heaven" lepšie ako v ktorom koľvek reálnom svete :D

Video 'Superman With a GoPro' Video 'Superman With a GoPro' (topolusRP (19.3.2014 21:41) reagovat
Ta to uz dobry for ked poznam mesto lepsie podla hry ako skutocnosti :D dik za response Hellgar

Video 'Superman With a GoPro' Video 'Superman With a GoPro' (HellgarRP (19.3.2014 17:39) reagovat
@topolus: ty jestli to náhodou nebude tím, že to točili v Los Angles? 8-)

Video 'Superman With a GoPro' Video 'Superman With a GoPro' (Oje BallstromRP (19.3.2014 17:37) reagovat
Protoze mu chtela vykourit, a ne aby letel zachranovat dalsi.

Video 'Superman With a GoPro' Video 'Superman With a GoPro' (...) (19.3.2014 17:07) reagovat
"Is anyone else in the building?" Zenska: "No" - jak by to asi mohla vediet? :-)

Video 'Superman With a GoPro' Video 'Superman With a GoPro' (topolusRP (19.3.2014 16:29) reagovat
Vobec to mesto nevyzera jak los Santos z GTAV nie nie vobec nie....

Video 'Superman With a GoPro' Video 'Superman With a GoPro' (La4es) (19.3.2014 16:26) reagovat
perfektni napad na vyuziti coptru :-)

Video 'Superman With a GoPro' Video 'Superman With a GoPro' (tereiRP (19.3.2014 16:25) reagovat
přemluvit supermana, aby si vzal kameru nedá moc práce?

Video 'Superman With a GoPro' Video 'Superman With a GoPro' (DirectRP (19.3.2014 16:08) reagovat
taková blbost a ani moc práce to nedalo.

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