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Nalezeno 4 komentářů.

:-) :o)
:-( >-O
;-) :-D
:-P B-)
8-) :-*
:-/ |-)
=) :-O


Video 'Hokejovy fair fight' Video 'Hokejovy fair fight' (MilaneseRP (24.3.2014 20:56) reagovat
Navic je to divacky zajimavy :-)

Video 'Hokejovy fair fight' Video 'Hokejovy fair fight' (jeitasRP (20.3.2014 16:42) reagovat
a to proč nezasáhnout je popsaný v tý druhý polovině komentáře na youtube, kterou už jsem nezkopíroval 8-)

Video 'Hokejovy fair fight' Video 'Hokejovy fair fight' (jeitasRP (20.3.2014 16:17) reagovat
Fights in hockey serve a distinct purpose. Often they are not out of hatred or anger but used as an attempt to energize a team that is playing flat. It is hard to play without passion or energy when your teammate is out on the ice getting punched in the face. Fights are also used as a form of justice. If you land a cheap shot or do something illegal when the refs aren't looking plan on someone coming after you. Take a swing at my teams best player, we're coming for you.

Video 'Hokejovy fair fight' Video 'Hokejovy fair fight' (šíbaRP (20.3.2014 16:13) reagovat
Z jakýho důvodu rozhodčí přihlíží a nezasáhnou?