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:-( >-O
;-) :-D
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8-) :-*
:-/ |-)
=) :-O


Video 'Eastern trance' Video 'Eastern trance' (MilaneseRP (30.5.2017 5:55) reagovat
Once a slav, forever a slav... :o)

Video 'Eastern trance' Video 'Eastern trance' (mrkevRP (30.5.2017 2:15) reagovat
To cello zní nějak divně, možná efekt?

Video 'Eastern trance' Video 'Eastern trance' (BookBurnerRP (29.5.2017 23:58) reagovat
Feyd: Chazarské říši, když chceme jít tak moc dozadu :D

Video 'Eastern trance' Video 'Eastern trance' (FeydRP (29.5.2017 23:18) reagovat
BookBurner: Kievske Rusi....

Video 'Eastern trance' Video 'Eastern trance' (BookBurnerRP (29.5.2017 17:44) reagovat
Pablo: *Ukrajině :)

Video 'Eastern trance' Video 'Eastern trance' (Prawda...) (29.5.2017 11:24) reagovat
Witcher, is that you? >-O

Video 'Eastern trance' Video 'Eastern trance' (Pablo) (28.5.2017 19:31) reagovat
takto sa bavili na diskotekach prapraprastari slovania v Rusku...

Video 'Eastern trance' Video 'Eastern trance' (HexagonRP (28.5.2017 18:27) reagovat
Též jsem pohonil.... dobré....

Video 'Eastern trance' Video 'Eastern trance' (PivoRP (28.5.2017 18:14) reagovat
Pohonil sem B-)

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