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Nalezeno 6 komentářů.

:-) :o)
:-( >-O
;-) :-D
:-P B-)
8-) :-*
:-/ |-)
=) :-O


Video 'Clubbing in the wild with David Attenborough' Video 'Clubbing in the wild with David Attenborough' (meruzalka) (30.8.2019 2:45) reagovat
a pritom bloncka v dlhej sukni vyzera moc sukatelne..

Video 'Clubbing in the wild with David Attenborough' Video 'Clubbing in the wild with David Attenborough' (GeorgethebestRP (25.8.2019 12:32) reagovat
...a přitom taková blbost, co :-)

Video 'Clubbing in the wild with David Attenborough' Video 'Clubbing in the wild with David Attenborough' (Ježiš NemanželskýRP (16.8.2019 18:04) reagovat
Vampir, baliť v klube je tá najpodradnejšia metóda, vzmuž sa a choď triezvy do ulíc ;-)

Video 'Clubbing in the wild with David Attenborough' Video 'Clubbing in the wild with David Attenborough' (HonzaRezRP (16.8.2019 10:46) reagovat
Sranda dobrá, ale ty cholky mají pupky...

Video 'Clubbing in the wild with David Attenborough' Video 'Clubbing in the wild with David Attenborough' (paplonRP (16.8.2019 9:59) reagovat

Video 'Clubbing in the wild with David Attenborough' Video 'Clubbing in the wild with David Attenborough' (Vampir) (16.8.2019 2:56) reagovat
Heeeeej, miestni honici sa poznali vo videu a preto ho dislikuju :D. Alebo este horsie ... miestni honici ani nikdy v klube neboli a ani nikdy neskusali zbalit babu, tak im to nepride smiesne :D.

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