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8-) :-*
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=) :-O


Video 'Call of Duty In Real Life' Video 'Call of Duty In Real Life' (Big Smoke) (9.11.2019 18:47) reagovat
doporučuju dat pauzu ve 2:09

Video 'Call of Duty In Real Life' Video 'Call of Duty In Real Life' (Mr.Dr.RP (7.11.2019 8:27) reagovat
Za me super, nasmal jsem se :o)

Video 'Call of Duty In Real Life' Video 'Call of Duty In Real Life' (MedicLukeRP (5.11.2019 18:16) reagovat
Ten typický český gesicht :-D Švejk vol. 2

Video 'Call of Duty In Real Life' Video 'Call of Duty In Real Life' (socketRP (3.11.2019 17:16) reagovat
-> poděkuju milanezovi za uznani

Video 'Call of Duty In Real Life' Video 'Call of Duty In Real Life' (MilaneseRP (1.11.2019 23:40) reagovat
Me se to videjko libilo :-)

Video 'Call of Duty In Real Life' Video 'Call of Duty In Real Life' (MemRP (1.11.2019 19:02) reagovat
lolz, ..: Dobré ráno? Bender sám si ze sebe dělá neustále legraci, že má downa

Video 'Call of Duty In Real Life' Video 'Call of Duty In Real Life' (memovina) (1.11.2019 11:45) reagovat
Nudná hovadina = klasická memovina...

Video 'Call of Duty In Real Life' Video 'Call of Duty In Real Life' (..) (1.11.2019 11:28) reagovat
syndrome of a down: the real life

Video 'Call of Duty In Real Life' Video 'Call of Duty In Real Life' (lolz) (1.11.2019 10:27) reagovat
system of a down: the real life

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