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GIF 'the best in the nation...shit his pants during press' GIF 'the best in the nation...shit his pants during press' (LumpenkavárníkRP (25.9.2020 13:48) reagovat
(Holá_prdel): to je zábavné, jak tu něco blekotáš o levičácké agitce a přitom tu sám opevuješ komunistického poslance. Docela mě těší, že se hlasíš otevřeně k homosexualitě, ale tvoje sexuální touhy mě tu už docela obtěžují. Běž to radši zkoušet na nějaký gejchat. A o té IP adrese. Fakt chabá výmluva. Asi ani nevíš co to je a doufáš, že ostatní také ne... Připadá mi, že ti dost šplouchá na maják. To ostatně asi každému komoušo-fašistovi

GIF 'the best in the nation...shit his pants during press' GIF 'the best in the nation...shit his pants during press' (Holá_prdel) (25.9.2020 12:47) reagovat
Je zajímavé, jak se tady nabourává ta provokatérská levičácká agitka. Psal jsem tady jednou ((Holá_prdel) (24.9.2020 22:38)), a a pak si tady někdo pohuňkává se stejným nickem... Naštěstí existují IP adresy :-) :-) :-)

GIF 'the best in the nation...shit his pants during press' GIF 'the best in the nation...shit his pants during press' (Holá_prdel) (25.9.2020 10:15) reagovat
cern0usek: Si prase. Okamura kdyby nebyl žlutej a šikmáč, by mi ho do prdele mohl strčit. Má zdravé bílé názory a z jeho velikosti si starosti dělat nemusím. To migranti jsou hrozba. Ale o takovým Klánovi jsem měl dneska krásný sen. Jinak to fakt nestojí za řeč....

GIF 'the best in the nation...shit his pants during press' GIF 'the best in the nation...shit his pants during press' (cern0usekRP (25.9.2020 9:30) reagovat
Tu subinku z SPD bych klidne pochcal.. Mozna by to ani nevadilo my pani... :))

GIF 'the best in the nation...shit his pants during press' GIF 'the best in the nation...shit his pants during press' (lkskdsicxskmiwacdlid) (25.9.2020 9:10) reagovat
Skoro jako Zeman, ale ted sere do plinek, tak nemusi odchazet

GIF 'the best in the nation...shit his pants during press' GIF 'the best in the nation...shit his pants during press' (Dan Konečný) (25.9.2020 9:05) reagovat
Holá_prdel: a co ta MHT z topky?

GIF 'the best in the nation...shit his pants during press' GIF 'the best in the nation...shit his pants during press' (Holá_prdel) (25.9.2020 8:54) reagovat
(autokrator): Na to se nedá k koukat. A už vůbec se nedá nad nimi honit. Bartošovi, kdyby se ostříhal a trochu přibral, bych ho tam ještě strčil, ale co ten posranej zbytek? Jsou tam jen samé mumie nebo ženský. Fakt úroveň

GIF 'the best in the nation...shit his pants during press' GIF 'the best in the nation...shit his pants during press' (autokratorRP (25.9.2020 7:58) reagovat
Holá_prdel: To se ti jen zdá, že je to u nás to samé. To že Bartoš vypadá na 60 není jeho datem narození, ale fetem.

GIF 'the best in the nation...shit his pants during press' GIF 'the best in the nation...shit his pants during press' (PaulZyRP (25.9.2020 3:48) reagovat
V USA je gerontokracie, plutokracie a teoreticky nekdy mozna meritokracie.

GIF 'the best in the nation...shit his pants during press' GIF 'the best in the nation...shit his pants during press' (Neregistrovaný Eric Cartmenez, dříve Eric Cartmen) (24.9.2020 23:19) reagovat
To jsou lidi, kteří v životě nic jiného než politiku nedělali, tahle generace nadělala tolik škod a jediný v co teď doufám že rychle vychcipaj...

GIF 'the best in the nation...shit his pants during press' GIF 'the best in the nation...shit his pants during press' (Holá_prdel) (24.9.2020 22:38) reagovat
Píče co se tam pořád takové skoro 80 mumie do té politiky serou? U nás to samé...

GIF 'the best in the nation...shit his pants during press' GIF 'the best in the nation...shit his pants during press' (m2RP (24.9.2020 22:28) reagovat
udělalo se mu z nich špatně

GIF 'the best in the nation...shit his pants during press' GIF 'the best in the nation...shit his pants during press' (m2RP (24.9.2020 22:25) reagovat

GIF 'the best in the nation...shit his pants during press' GIF 'the best in the nation...shit his pants during press' (Neregistrovaný Eric Cartmenez, dříve Eric Cartmen) (24.9.2020 22:25) reagovat
Jerry Nadler má na posrání se na tiskovce Nancy svaté právo.

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