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GIF '1929 colorized construction Chrysler building in New York' GIF '1929 colorized construction Chrysler building in New York' (the quitterRP (19.8.2022 10:16) reagovat
povalaci >-O

GIF '1929 colorized construction Chrysler building in New York' GIF '1929 colorized construction Chrysler building in New York' (twinkydinky) (18.8.2022 16:37) reagovat
a vsadim se ze vsechny zencky na ty stavbe braly za stejnou praci o 20 % min.

GIF '1929 colorized construction Chrysler building in New York' GIF '1929 colorized construction Chrysler building in New York' (upuppryc) (18.8.2022 16:03) reagovat
The Chrysler Building had 3000 workers. With 77 floors, it could have resulted in 62 fatalities. But it had none. By comparison, the Empire State Building's construction caused 5 worker deaths and the original construction of the World Trade Center in the 1970s caused 60.

GIF '1929 colorized construction Chrysler building in New York' GIF '1929 colorized construction Chrysler building in New York' (klatomRP (18.8.2022 15:39) reagovat
proč tohle někdo barví? ČB to vypadá víc cool, a aspoň je z toho cítit ta historie

GIF '1929 colorized construction Chrysler building in New York' GIF '1929 colorized construction Chrysler building in New York' (chlivok) (18.8.2022 15:32) reagovat
vidím pár fantomasů

GIF '1929 colorized construction Chrysler building in New York' GIF '1929 colorized construction Chrysler building in New York' (RBRP (18.8.2022 15:15) reagovat
A pracovali tam nebo se jen drželi a povídali?

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