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Nalezeno 4 komentářů.

:-) :o)
:-( >-O
;-) :-D
:-P B-)
8-) :-*
:-/ |-)
=) :-O


Obrázek 'This Goat is Armed And Legged' Obrázek 'This Goat is Armed And Legged' (:.) (23.9.2021 7:56) reagovat
Sice to není tahle, ale: In 2009, a goat in Nigeria was arrested for armed robbery after vigilantes took the animal to police and claimed the thief had stolen a car at gunpoint - then turned itself into a goat to escape. Belief in witchcraft is widespread in parts of Nigeria, and residents of Kwara state went to visit the goat, which appeared in a national newspaper on its knees next to a pile of straw.

Obrázek 'This Goat is Armed And Legged' Obrázek 'This Goat is Armed And Legged' (RaskRP (29.3.2011 21:26) reagovat
kozomet vzor 58

Obrázek 'This Goat is Armed And Legged' Obrázek 'This Goat is Armed And Legged' (MeowRP (29.3.2011 16:55) reagovat
@vyndaloo: Jasný, na albu Always Outnumbered, Never Outgunned B-)

Obrázek 'This Goat is Armed And Legged' Obrázek 'This Goat is Armed And Legged' (vyndalooRP (29.3.2011 15:28) reagovat
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