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re: Despite Being Only 13 Percent of the Population (antonymRP (6.6.2020 16:52)
[odkaz] - >>Biden says '10 to 15 percent' of Americans are 'just not very good people'
re: Despite Being Only 13 Percent of the Population (mrkevRP (5.6.2020 10:55)
re: Despite Being Only 13 Percent of the Population (AT4RP (5.6.2020 10:46)
LOL [odkaz]
re: Despite Being Only 13 Percent of the Population (fuRP (5.6.2020 1:48)
Sasa krusty?
re: Despite Being Only 13 Percent of the Population (Babe MagnetRP (5.6.2020 1:16)
Schvalne kdo si ji jeste pamatuje [odkaz]

Clovek by rozhodne necekal, ze se z ni stane takova rasistka.
re: Despite Being Only 13 Percent of the Population (FekájRP (4.6.2020 20:24)
blacks commit more than 50 % of the crimes in the United States
re: Despite Being Only 13 Percent of the Population (IngressRP (2.6.2020 22:39)
Asi neměli bejt američani bejt líný sbírat bavlnu, vrací se to do ksichtu jako bumerang.
re: Despite Being Only 13 Percent of the Population (propediotikaRP (2.6.2020 22:22)
the transgender paraplegic afro-american ping-pong players
re: Despite Being Only 13 Percent of the Population (BGRP (2.6.2020 22:22)
It's just their culture: [odkaz]
Despite Being Only 13 Percent of the Population (FekájRP (2.6.2020 20:35)
.... pokračujte

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