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God you filthy 14.10.2012 
Obrázek God you filthy
Vi-Queen husa upiri v telce maze nase prispevky nerad alergie na barvy v pokrocilem stadiu black box Internet
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God_you_filthy.png (Ujo_Ja) (14.10.2012 15:04)
PaulZy: clawfinger?

God_you_filthy.png (PaulZyRP (14.10.2012 12:25)
Yoda: Sorry to disapoint you, but God is dead, he's just the monster under your bed. B-)

God_you_filthy.png (VincenzoRP (14.10.2012 12:15)
Roasted Yoda... Mmm, yummy!

God_you_filthy.png (jonto) (14.10.2012 11:26)
inkviziciu na yodu! kill him with fireee!!

God_you_filthy.png (YodaRP (14.10.2012 10:42)
kill it with the atheism!