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amazing-picture-great-white-shark-4-metres-long-hunting-kayaker 03.07.2011 
Obrázek amazing-picture-great-white-shark-4-metres-long-hunting-kayaker
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amazing-picture-great-white-shark-4-metres-long-hunting-kayaker.jpg (placew1) (5.7.2011 12:02)
Although some have doubted its authenticity, the photograph is genuine. It was taken from the September 2005 issue of Africa Geographic. The article details a study of Great White Sharks in South Africa by biologists Michael C. Scholl and Thomas P. Peschak. Kayaks were used to study the sharks because, unlike the motorized research vessel, they could manoeuvre more easily in shallow or treacherous water and had no engine noise to disturb the sharks' natural behaviours

amazing-picture-great-white-shark-4-metres-long-hunting-kayaker.jpg (placew1) (5.7.2011 12:01)

amazing-picture-great-white-shark-4-metres-long-hunting-kayaker.jpg (RoumenR (3.7.2011 20:31)
tuudut.... tuuudut.... tuuuudut.... tudut tudut tudut tudut tudut tuuuuuu...

amazing-picture-great-white-shark-4-metres-long-hunting-kayaker.jpg (ajdus) (3.7.2011 19:39)
vypnutim photoshopu

amazing-picture-great-white-shark-4-metres-long-hunting-kayaker.jpg (JezekRP (3.7.2011 19:21)
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