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when you and friend high 16.12.2017 
Obrázek when you and friend high
TiredAndRetired EndOfTheWorldYay JakJsemKZenePrisel ovalna pracovna AlarmExtingusher VidetTatryAZemrit
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when_you_and_friend_high.jpeg (rewewRP (17.12.2017 6:47)
tak tak, ozzy a slash

when_you_and_friend_high.jpeg (luckyduckRP (16.12.2017 20:48)
Tak to pozor! Prince of Darkness si muze nosit ponozky jake chce! :o)

when_you_and_friend_high.jpeg (DžvírRP (16.12.2017 19:41)
Hrozné ponožky, pane Osbourne.

when_you_and_friend_high.jpeg (GeorgethebestRP (16.12.2017 19:36)
Ozzy a Slash ?

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