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Nalezeno 13 komentářů.

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GIF 'Venezuela sent their best skier to the World Championship' GIF 'Venezuela sent their best skier to the World Championship' (Lammer&OutsiderRP (25.2.2017 18:48) reagovat
[odkaz] tady je to s českým komentářem z televize

GIF 'Venezuela sent their best skier to the World Championship' GIF 'Venezuela sent their best skier to the World Championship' (the quitterRP (25.2.2017 13:06) reagovat
udajne tam bol ako sucast nejakeho venezuelskeho armadneho prania penazi ci co :-D

GIF 'Venezuela sent their best skier to the World Championship' GIF 'Venezuela sent their best skier to the World Championship' (EllrohirRP (25.2.2017 10:23) reagovat
Z Venezuely tam byli další dva, co lyžovat uměl (byť pořád žádná sláva). Takže tehle komik tam přivandroval kdovíodkud...

GIF 'Venezuela sent their best skier to the World Championship' GIF 'Venezuela sent their best skier to the World Championship' (liliputin) (25.2.2017 9:28) reagovat
borat 2 venezuela

GIF 'Venezuela sent their best skier to the World Championship' GIF 'Venezuela sent their best skier to the World Championship' (DinamitRP (24.2.2017 17:55) reagovat

GIF 'Venezuela sent their best skier to the World Championship' GIF 'Venezuela sent their best skier to the World Championship' (P.RP (24.2.2017 15:52) reagovat
jn .. prej trénoval celou dobu na kolečkových lyžích a na sněhu stál poprvé .. jinak další takovej expert [odkaz]

GIF 'Venezuela sent their best skier to the World Championship' GIF 'Venezuela sent their best skier to the World Championship' (aswfasdfasdf) (24.2.2017 15:22) reagovat
si mel vzit sjezdovky

GIF 'Venezuela sent their best skier to the World Championship' GIF 'Venezuela sent their best skier to the World Championship' (aswfasdfasdf) (24.2.2017 15:22) reagovat
kokoti na snehu

GIF 'Venezuela sent their best skier to the World Championship' GIF 'Venezuela sent their best skier to the World Championship' (toy) (24.2.2017 14:58) reagovat
lebo ked priletel mesiac pred závodmi do francúzska, tak ho deportovali, lebo si mysleli, že je imigrant :D

GIF 'Venezuela sent their best skier to the World Championship' GIF 'Venezuela sent their best skier to the World Championship' (KYSRP (24.2.2017 14:25) reagovat
Proč si to nejel nejdřív zkusit někam jinam, když mu lyžování ve Venezuele zakázali? Buď má koule jak starosta, nebo je to imbecil.

GIF 'Venezuela sent their best skier to the World Championship' GIF 'Venezuela sent their best skier to the World Championship' (Q.QRP (24.2.2017 14:13) reagovat
Spíš aby vůbec nejely... [odkaz]

GIF 'Venezuela sent their best skier to the World Championship' GIF 'Venezuela sent their best skier to the World Championship' (cyklista) (24.2.2017 14:07) reagovat
Jeho servisman je vrah !!!! To mu tam ani nemohl něco přimáznout, aby mu ty lyže necouvaly?

GIF 'Venezuela sent their best skier to the World Championship' GIF 'Venezuela sent their best skier to the World Championship' (Ezotericke guru oriešky) (24.2.2017 13:17) reagovat
tak to byva ked cele roky trenujete na pieskovej plazi v bermudach bez zimy a snehu :-D B-) 8-) :-P

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