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:-) :o)
:-( >-O
;-) :-D
:-P B-)
8-) :-*
:-/ |-)
=) :-O


GIF 'Not the animal I was expecting to come out of this hole' GIF 'Not the animal I was expecting to come out of this hole' (1ce5oulRP (25.7.2017 6:50) reagovat
It's Mr. Pickles! [odkaz]

GIF 'Not the animal I was expecting to come out of this hole' GIF 'Not the animal I was expecting to come out of this hole' (ytvoeRP (24.7.2017 23:46) reagovat
@Prawda, to se stava kdyz neumis pouzivat zachod ozralej... :-D

GIF 'Not the animal I was expecting to come out of this hole' GIF 'Not the animal I was expecting to come out of this hole' (Prawda...) (24.7.2017 20:39) reagovat
Však psů je tady jak smetí, věčně zesratý trávník, chodníky, všechno ochcané. >-O

GIF 'Not the animal I was expecting to come out of this hole' GIF 'Not the animal I was expecting to come out of this hole' (gdfgdhhhRP (24.7.2017 20:28) reagovat
takze uz mas svuj cip prawdicku nebo to bude ta lepsi varianta? :D

GIF 'Not the animal I was expecting to come out of this hole' GIF 'Not the animal I was expecting to come out of this hole' (Prawda...) (24.7.2017 20:05) reagovat
ASW: :-* , už aby ty chlupaté nesmysly stát očipoval a povinně naočkoval, jinak kafilerka.

GIF 'Not the animal I was expecting to come out of this hole' GIF 'Not the animal I was expecting to come out of this hole' (ASWRP (24.7.2017 18:38) reagovat
Prawda...: Řekl bych, že život těchto "čoklů" má podstatně větší hodnotu, než ten tvůj či tobě podobných idiotů.

GIF 'Not the animal I was expecting to come out of this hole' GIF 'Not the animal I was expecting to come out of this hole' (ilfirinRP (24.7.2017 18:29) reagovat
Protože pak někoho hřeje u srdíčka a je to mocinky krásný.

GIF 'Not the animal I was expecting to come out of this hole' GIF 'Not the animal I was expecting to come out of this hole' (Prawda...) (24.7.2017 18:07) reagovat
@xxxx: Jo no, též mi není jasné, proč se kvůli čoklům a další zvěři pořádají akce, jak by se ztratil člověk.

GIF 'Not the animal I was expecting to come out of this hole' GIF 'Not the animal I was expecting to come out of this hole' (SerunaTrendyTyBuzno) (24.7.2017 18:01) reagovat
Ne tohle je berňák přátelskej pesík. Tamto byl klasickej rapl vzhledu a vzrustu fousaté krysy, co chce roztrhat všechno živý v okruhu jednoho kilometru :-P

GIF 'Not the animal I was expecting to come out of this hole' GIF 'Not the animal I was expecting to come out of this hole' (xxxx) (24.7.2017 16:54) reagovat
to je ten čokl kterýho 3 týdny zachraňovali místo toho aby dělali něco užitečnýho?

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